Health Freedom Resources
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SECRET KNOWLEDGE ABOUT NUTRITION AND YOUR HEALTH! Eating food is a necessity, a social pastime and a pleasurable activity for most people. This was not always the case. The Rig-Veda, the most ancient religious texts recorded on Earth, human beings in prehistory did not eat food at all. People began eating food as a source of energy much later on the time track. In that long distant past, it is written that people who ate food were looked down upon with pity! Any being who is in good spiritual condition should be able to create plenty of energy to run a body without any external energy source. In the The First Book of Moses, named Genesis(1:29-30), the Israelite god YHWH handed down the following instruction to his people: "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food". According to these same texts, the average age of men and women before the Flood was more than 900 years! YHWH apparently changed his mind AFTER the Flood and told Noah that Man could eat the flesh of animals: (Genesis 9:3-4) "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything". After that the average age of Man dropped from 900 to only 120 years and less! Scientific studies sighted by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond in their best-selling book, "Fit For Life", reveal some very interesting information about the effects of diet on health and longevity. They report that the LA Times and Weekly World News printed articles about a man living in China named Wu Yunging. Mr. Yungying was 142 years old in 1980. The article includes a photo of him riding his bicycle! When he was interviewed about his diet, he answered, "I eat corn, rice, sweet potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables." Dr. Alexander Leaf published the findings of his research about the oldest people in the world in the January, 1973 edition of National Geographic Magazine. He found that the three most consistently disease-free and long-lived people on Earth are the Abkhazians of Russia, the Vilacabambans of Ecuador and the Hunzukuts of Pakistan. None of these peoples suffer from Western diseases: NO obesity, NO cancer, NO heart disease! On the average these people live to be over 100 years old. The men are physically active and still fathering children at 100 years of age. The diet of all of these people consists of 70-80 percent high-water-content foods such as raw, uncooked fruits and vegetables. These people eat very little or no animal products. Their lifestyle includes lots of exercise in a chemical-free, natural environment with clean air and fresh, uncontaminated water. What about eating meat would reduce the life expectancy of Man so drastically? Many people around the world do not eat meat as they believe that eating animals for food is like killing one's brother or sister. The simple logic is that the spirit inhabits every life form and therefore should be treated as you yourself would like to be treated -- as a member of the family of living beings. THE S.A.D. DIET: DEAD FOOD = DEAD BODY When medical doctors diagnose the health of the "Average American", their prognosis for the treatment of the disease and your ability to recover from the disease is based on the following statistics: In the LIFETIME of the average American, each person will chew up and swallow the following quantities of DEAD foods and toxic chemicals: 22500 SOFTDRINKS (Dr. Richard Schulze, Natural Healing Crusade Course, 1997) According the John Robbins, in his video, "Diet For A New America", the average American meat eater pours 100 pounds of ANIMAL FAT into their veins and arteries EVERY YEAR! The average American gets very little exercise, is 25 lbs. overweight, has high cholesterol (average level is 200) and will have high blood pressure. Consequently, the leading cause of death in the US is heart disease and stroke. Nearly ONE HALF of all deaths in the US are caused by heart disease! In addition, another 20 percent, which amounts to 500,000 Americans, die of Cancer every year! This number is increasing. According to Dr. Matthias Rath, Director of the Cardiovascular Research Unit at Linus Pauling Institute, HEART DISEASE, STROKES, CANCERS, DIABETES, LIVER DISEASE and ARTERIAL SCLEROSIS CAUSE 70 PERCENT OF ALL DEATHS IN THE United States EVERY YEAR! LIVING FOOD FOR LIFE
"Living Food" is defined as any food in which the "life force" or enzymes have not been destroyed (by heat, chemicals, radiation, decay, freezing, refinement, etc.). Enzymes are the "life force" in "Living Food". Every cell of any living organism begins to die when heated to a temperature of 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Observably, the vast majority of foods consumed by Western Man have been COOKED TO DEATH! Since cells die at 107 degrees, anything which has been boiled, broiled, baked, steamed or fried is dead. This includes baked goods, pasteurized milk products, anything in a can or bottle -- just about everything in the typical grocery store! No animal in Nature consumes "dead" foods, that is, foods which have been cooked or processed. None of the highly evolved species of animals lives on inorganic (dead, lifeless) material, such as dirt or rocks. All foods are eaten with all of the life force or enzymes intact. In other words, raw food. During the 1920s, an experiment was undertaken by zoo keepers in an attempt to save money on food bills. Carnivorous zoo animals were fed cooked meat. All of the animals who were fed cooked meat died within 30 days. In the wild, carnivorous animals prefer to eat freshly killed meat whenever possible. Further experiments have proven that a baby cow, fed only pasteurized milk instead of raw milk from it's mother, will die within 30 to 60 days. (John Robbins Video) During the 1930s, Dr. Pottenger, a dentist in Washington DC, did experiments with 600 cats, feeding one half of them processed food and the other half, raw foods. The 300 cats who ate processed food developed degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. The other half remained healthy to the end of their lives. The second generation of cats eating processed food developed the same diseases in mid-life. The third generation developed the diseases early in life and the fourth generation were not able to reproduce at all. The cats eating processed food literally became extinct as a species within 4 generations! Today, 25% of young people in America are infertile... you do the math. (Dr. Joel Robbins lecture on "Children & The Hallelujah Diet"). THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Is it surprising that the vast majority of Americans -- who are heavy meat eaters -- die of heart disease and cancer and suffer from arthritis, gout, sinus infections, constipation, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, to name a few? Fortunately, every cell in your body completely replaces itself every 2 years. 98% in less than 1 year. Cells require varying lengths of time to regenerate, for example: BRAIN 1 YEAR (Dr. George Malkmus, "You Don't Have To Be Sick" video) In addition to this constant rebuilding reprocess, the body has a built-in, natural defense against disease capable of preventing illness or fighting off illness. This defensive system is called the Immune System. The Immune System is composed of the various organs of the body which cleanse and rid the body of toxic or harmful substances. The human body contains about 75 TRILLION CELLS. The blood contains a small corps of toxin fighters called "lymphocytes" or white blood cells. These comprise only about one percent of the total body mass. These little lymphocytes "eat" anything the body considers to be toxic, including cancer cells. They kill cancer cells by producing hydrogen peroxide, a form of oxygen. Cancer cells are mutant cells. Medical physiology textbooks state that "all cancers are caused by a failure of the immune system to destroy mutant cells". Obviously, the workable solution for cancer is to strengthen the immune system of the body! In spite of this obvious simplicity, the "cancer industry" now employs more people to "fight" cancer than the number of people who actually have cancer! This industry generates $100 BILLION a year in the US alone. The giant, monopolistic vested interests which comprise the "Cancer Industry" include the drug companies that manufacture chemotherapy drugs (a $50 Billion a year business!), American Cancer Society (which collects $400 Million a year), The National Cancer Institute, the AMA, the FDA, and "health insurance" companies who falsely promote the "fight" against cancer. (Charlotte Gerson, "The Gerson Therapy - Healing 'Incurable' Illness", Volume 1, video taped lecture) To date these established vested interests have not yet produced one single workable solution to cancer. In fact, it has now been proven statistically that cancer victims who receive NO TREATMENT AT ALL have a longer life expectancy and higher survival rate that those treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery! (Albert Earl Carter, "The Cancer Answer", ALM Publishers, 1988) Factually, medical doctors and alternative health care practitioners who REALLY CAN CURE CANCER are arrested, prosecuted, thrown in jail, fined and lose their license to practice medicine. However, all of this turmoil seems to be of little consequence as there is a large and growing body of documented evidence that you can prevent and rid yourself of cancer simply by eating a diet consisting exclusively of organically grown raw fruits and vegetables and juices. (Dr. Lorraine Day, MD, "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore!" Video, Rockford Press, 1996). MEAT BODIES ARE CARBON/OXYGEN ENGINES OXYGEN is required to be combined with the CARBON fuel in order for the fuel to burn. If too little oxygen is mixed with the fuel, the fuel will not burn completely. If too little fuel is mixed with the oxygen, the fuel will not burn completely. Either way, the result is less energy and more waste from unburned fuel -- higher exhaust emissions and lower engine performance. If you put the wrong kind of fuel in the gas tank, the car will not run efficiently. Using the correct fuel for your engine will make your automobile engine and your body "engine" run more efficiently. The unburned waste material from the engine is expelled out the exhaust system through the exhaust pipe. If the waste is not expelled, it backs up into the engine, clogs everything up and the engine "dies". The principal organs of the body's "exhaust system" includes the lungs, skin, blood, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, colon, lymph glands and bladder. If the body is overwhelmed by low quality fuel or unexpelled "exhaust" from the wrong kind of fuel, the body's engine also dies. What is the correct "fuel" for a human body? What building material is better for constructing a strong, durable house? Straw or bricks? Obviously, bricks are the building material preferred by long experience because the house built of straw is weak and decays quickly. Living food is the brick the body uses to build a strong, durable body. Living, organic fuel in which the living enzymes have NOT been removed by processing or killed with heat, radiation or toxic chemicals is the preferred building material of all life forms on Earth. Since the human body is a living organism it must use LIVING food as fuel. Car engines are "inorganic" or dead and can therefore use inorganic fuel. In a human body, living fuel burns more efficiently than DEAD food. It produces more energy and produces less "exhaust" and higher performance. How do you know that living food is a better fuel for the body than dead food? Try this experiment: place a small piece of cooked meat in a shallow dish of water. Also place a fresh, organic carrot top in a shallow dish of water. Leave them in a room which is heated to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for several days. You will notice that the meat will rot, putrefy and smell very bad. The same thing happens to the meat inside your intestines! In contrast, the carrot top, being a living organism, will sprout and start to grow! DO FLIES CAUSE GARBAGE? A contemporary of Mr. Pasteur was a man named Antoine Beauchamps. Antoine questioned the Pasteur theory that germs cause disease, observing that flies do not cause garbage. Rather, that garbage attracts the flies. Further, that if you kill the flies, the flies will return as long as the garbage remains. So it is with the human body. Two conditions must be true for an infection to take place in the body: 1) The body must be weakened by something OTHER THAN the bacteria. This is obvious in that bacteria like streptococcus, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc., are present all around us and throughout our bodies, and yet we are not always sick. 2) There must be "food" for the bacteria to feed on in the body. Healthy cell tissue, like the fresh fruit in Louis Pasteur's experiment, offers the bacteria nothing to feed on. All bacteria are scavengers. Like flies, bacteria eat ONLY dead, toxic, rotting or decayed tissue. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., attack the body only AFTER the body has become weakened by accumulated "garbage". For example, colds and fevers are NOT caused by germs. These are symptoms of THE BODY'S EFFORT TO CLEANSE TOXINS FROM THE BODY. BACTERIA FEED ON BODIES WHICH ARE ALREADY WEAKENED BY TOO MANY TOXINS OR MALNUTRITION WHICH CAUSE THE BODY TO DECAY. Factually, the prevention and cure of "disease" is not just to "kill the flies" -- we must clean up and get rid of the garbage in our bodies which bacteria feed on! When the body is cleaned up, our own natural defense against disease and bacteria (the Immune System) will be strong enough to defend our body from illness. (At the time of Louis Pasteur's death, he admitted that he had been wrong about his "germ theory" of disease.) (Dr. Joel Robbins lecture on Adults, Children & Live Food Nutrition) YOU TOO, CAN REBUILD YOUR VERY OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM IN THE COMFORT
OF YOUR OWN HOME! Fortunately, the body has the ability to replace every single cell with a brand new copy of itself every year or so. Due to the continuous cell renewal effort of the body, we can recover from disease and improve the quality of the body - provided we are using the correct fuel and not adding too many toxic substances into the environment of the living cells. You can prevent illness from bacteria and degenerative diseases and rid yourself of illness simply by changing the kind of fuel you consume. Rebuilding healthy cells requires the following SIX conditions: 1) POSITIVE SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT 2) LIVING FUEL 3) TOXIN-FREE WATER 4) OXYGEN Walking, running, stretching, deep breathing exercises and nearly every active sport get more oxygen into the body. 5) CIRCULATION TO CARRY NUTRIENTS IN THE BLOOD TO ALL PARTS
OF THE BODY Research indicates that using a "rebounder" supplies all of the needs for exercise without detrimental side effects. Rebound exercise accomplishes the following: Gets nutrients to the cells via the blood 6) WASTE ELIMINATION Human bodies treat dead, toxic fuel, like cooked meat, as waste. THE LIVE FOOD DIET AND LIFESTYLE The program is simple. Consume only raw, organic, uncooked fruits and vegetables AND freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, especially carrot juice. Get daily exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and drink only distilled water. Try it for 21 days and see for yourself the difference that living fuel makes in your engine! BUT, IT TASTES SO GOOD... There are some of us who can have some difficulty stopping our old habits of eating dead "junk" food. These old habits are based on learned behavior and agreements we've been taught since we were little kids. For example, we were taught by our parents and teachers to "eat your meat and drink your milk so you'll grow up to be big and strong". We were taught that "Wonderbread" builds strong bodies 12 ways!" Factually, The Meat Industry, The Dairy Industry, The Poultry Industry, and the Baked Goods Industry have bought and paid for most of the "nutritional" training in our public school systems for the past 70 years or more. We were taught about the "4 Basic Food Groups" -- of course, THREE of those groups were products represented by those commercial vested interests. Most of our "nutritional" education has come from very expensive television and magazine advertisements that teach you to want to eat the charred flesh of a dead cow smoldering on a white flour bun which has had every speck of life and nutritional value ground and bleached out of it which will cause your cells to mutate into cancerous tumors which will eat your body alive until you die in excruciating pain! Now we're supposed to follow this up with potatoes that have been frozen to death and then boiled alive in scalding, rancid oil which will make your veins clog up with sludge and cause you to die of an agonizingly painful heart attack! The final touch is a glass of carbonated tap water filled with toxic chlorine and fluorine gas which has been mixed with 11 teaspoons or more of dead, nutrition-free, refined white sugar and artificial flavoring. Now, they tell us with a happy, smiling clown face that we're supposed to believe that this is a "balanced diet" and that it TASTES GOOD!! (John Robbins, "Diet For A New America" Video) If you're looking for somebody to blame for all this "nutritional" nonsense, try looking in the bathroom mirror first. In the immortal words of W.C. Fields, "there's a sucker born every minute". It's time we stop believing the sales pitch of the multibillion dollar a year commercial vested interests and start taking control of our own minds! That means taking control of our own eating choices, our own bodies and our own lives! The more healthy your body becomes, the more you will find joy in the delightful flavor and fragrance of "living foods". |
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611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711