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10 Day Intestinal Cleanse Kit
SKU: SB KITS:Intest 10 Cleanse Caps
Original Price: $118.95
Sale Price: $112.09
Vol. Pricing:
Add-on to Kit: add Chlorella/Spirulina 360 tablets (Add $16.00)
SB:ParaHerbs 2 oz: add ParaHerbs Concentrate 2 oz (Add $30.00)

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All body systems and organs rely on the intestines to cleanse poisonous acidic wastes from the body.

Acidic foods, such as processed foods, excess meat or dairy, breads, sugar, artificial sugars, sodas and coffee create acid wastes which cause inflammation. These empty foods reduce the colon's ability to do its job, which is to permit only water and vital nutrients to enter the bloodstream. Proper digestion and absorption of vital nutrients into the bloodstream occurs in an alkaline intestinal environment.

If the intestines slow down and wastes remain too long, they ferment and putrefy, creating a perfect environment for fungi, parasites and bacterial imbalance. The intestinal walls can also become impacted with a thick wall of old fecal matter. Your body's ability to assimilate vital nutrients may be reduced to a fraction of what it should be. Your pH balance can be compromised and more acidic than is healthy.

There is a vicious cycle: when these uneliminated toxins are then re-absorbed into the bloodstream and liver, they can cause damage to the other body organs. The result is increased tendency to illness, accelerated aging and general poor health. This is why it's so important to support the intestinal tract and then adopt lifestyle changes to keep it clean and functioning well.

Combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, this is one of the safest, easiest and most effective ways to improve health.

Even moderate cleansing gives benefits such as:

  • Regular daily bowel movements
  • Increased energy
  • Better sleep
  • Clearer thinking
  • A calm sense of well being

With deeper cleansing including diet change you may also experience:

  • Weight loss
  • Improved complexion
  • A bright new healthy future.

What is in the Intestinal 10 Day Cleanse kit and why:

Intestinal Cleanse 1 The herbs in this formula get your bowels moving. When you are having 2 or 3 regular bowel movements daily to begin your cleanse, you will already feel much better and experience considerable relief. If you already have 2 - 3 usual bowel movements daily, then Intestinal Cleanse 1 assists if bowels slow down while taking the other products of the cleanse.

Intestinal Cleanse 2 Even after daily bowel movements have been established, your intestines still need to be relieved of accumulated poisons. Intestinal Cleanse 2 pulls old impacted fecal matter, metal or chemical and drug residues, toxins and some parasites from the intestinal walls and moves them out of the body. This cleans and soothes the entire intestinal tract, increasing nutrient assimilation.

Our Probiotic supplement rebuilds healthy gut flora. Beneficial intestinal flora help your digestion, enhance your ability to breakdown and absorb nutrients, and also activate the immune system.

Celtic Sea Salt provides healthy mineral replacement while cleansing to balance the increased water intake. This mineral-rich sea salt supplies extra electrolytes and trace minerals for your system.

This kit includes the following items:

  • 1 - Intestinal Cleanse 1 (90 capsules)
  • 1 - Intestinal Cleanse 2 (240 capsules) Powder is Out of Stock
  • 1 - Probiotic supplement (60 capsules)
  • 1 - Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt (1/2 lb.)

A great addition to this package is Chlorella Spirulina 50-50 organic blend tablets , this green superfood supplement will give you a nutritional boost of energy. It provides nutrients that your body can assimilate easily and rapidly every day to help you complete your cleanse successfully with plenty of energy. The chlorophyll, fiber, vitamins and minerals naturally found in these aid in detoxification for your cleanse.

Another excellent addition is ParaHerbs Concentrate, a potent herbal tincture that makes your internal environment extremely inhospitable to invaders. Each ingredient in our formula is chosen with care because it is a powerful herb to support immunity and digestion, and help eliminate unwanted elements. We recommended you add it to your health regimen periodically twice a year.

With this kit, you will also receive a series of Cleanse Email Tips for your cleanse including tips on what you can do to prepare for the cleanse while waiting for your kit to arrive, more tips and reminders on how to use the products for each step, additional recipes for cleansing and more information. Each kit also comes with a full color instruction booklet, and free phone and email support. We are here to make sure you have what you need for a successful cleanse!

(Note: If you do not want to receive the Cleanse Email series, please tell us when you order by putting a note in the order Comments. Or if you wish to stop receiving them once started, just let us know and we'll stop sending them.)

Success Stories

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results taking herbal preparations vary, and similar results are not guaranteed. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health practitioner if you have a health problem before using this or any dietary or herbal supplement.

Intestinal 10 Day Cleanse Kit

I feel 20 years younger after using Intestinal Cleanse #1 and Intestinal Cleanse #2 (all capsules) for only 2 weeks. I feel this intense energy that I have not felt before. I am full of pep all day and not as sleepy after work. I am able to remember things from way back when, and my mind is much clearer. I know I am going to the bathroom more but its not like other cleanses that have caused many bathroom visits all day long. Since I am a mail carrier this is very important to me. I feel happy and don't feel any stress from the Intestinal Cleanse, it's weird. I used to have problems all the time with moving my bowels. Now, three months after completing this Intestinal Cleanse, I still have no problems at all anymore. It is just great! ~ C.S., Clearwater, FL

Since I can remember I have had a problem with elimination. There are times when I went up to 10 days without having a bowel movement. Since I have started using Intestinal Cleanse 1, I have 2-3 movements a day depending on how much I ate the day before. My average dose was 5-6 capsules a day. I recently started using Vital Nutrition Plus on a daily basis in my smoothies or in juice for energy. What I have realized is that with the Vital Nutrition Plus I do not have to use as many of the Intestinal Cleanse 1. I am now using 2-3 capsules a day. The Vital Nutrition Plus provides energy and nutrients as well as fiber which helps with GI function. The combination of Intestinal Cleanse 1 and Vital Nutrition Plus has been a great benefit for me. I also do a deeper week-long cleanse every couple of months with Intestinal Cleanse 1, Intestinal Cleanse 2 and take them with the Vital Nutrition Plus. All three products work great together, I think of them as the holy trinity of cleanse products since they help keep me regular and give me more energy! ~ A.G., Largo, FL


Intestinal Cleanse 1 -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Turkey Rhubarb root*, Cape Aloe extract*, Garlic bulb*, Senna leaf*, Barberry root bark*, Cascara Sagrada bark+, Cayenne pepper fruit, Fennel seed*, and Ginger root*. Kosher Gelatin capsule. 

Intestinal Cleanse 2 -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Psyllium husk*, Psyllium seed*, Bentonite Clay (Montmorillinite), Apple Fruit Pectin*, Flax seed*, Marshmallow root*, Slippery Elm bark*, Activated Charcoal, Fennel seed* and Peppermint leaf*. Kosher Gelatin capsule.

Probiotic supplement - Contains these strains of beneficial micro-organisms that coexist in the human body to maintain good health: L. acidophilus - 16.8 billion CFU, L. plantarum - 2.4 billion CFU, L. salivarius - 2.4 billion CFU, S. thermophilus - 2.4 billion CFU. Vegetarian capsule.

Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt -
Unrefined sea salt farmed by hand from the ocean and rich in trace minerals.

Recommended Add-on Products:

ParaHerbs Concentrate 2 oz. -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Black Walnut Hull+, Clove Bud*, Fennel Seed*, Gentian Root+, Peppermint leaf*, Sage Leaf, Wormwood*, Hyssop*, Garlic* and Thyme* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Chlorella/Spirulina Organic Energy Food- Ingredients: A 50-50 blend of Chlorella and Spirulina, grown in Taiwan in clean fresh wate, and pressed into tiny green tablets with no binders or fillers.

Contains no sugar, no animal products, no GMOs and no fillers.

Suggested Use

The Intestinal Cleanse is most frequently used:

~ As a health-boosting, preventative measure, with or without diet modifications during the cleanse. It is usually done for 10 days to 2 weeks and can be repeated twice a year or four times a year when the season changes for maintenance.

~ As a step in lifestyle changes, clearing the system for a healthier diet and habits, reducing cravings and generally helping one get off to a fresh, healthy start.

~ As the beginning of an entire healing regimen to support your body and improve the quality of life. In this case, the Intestinal Cleanse is done as the first step of our Total Internal Body Cleanse Program.

By choosing this package you will save money from individual item prices. Full instructions come with each kit.

Read Full cleanse instructions here


Do not take Intestinal Cleanse 1 if you are pregnant or nursing.

Taking Intestinal Cleanse 2 without enough liquid may lead to constipation or choking. Do not take in cases of bowel obstruction. Do not take medications within an hour of taking Intestinal Cleanse 2.

Consult a health professional before using the products in this package if you are taking medications or have a medical condition.

More Info

Your Guide to Intestinal Cleansing
An Intestinal Cleanse should remove old impacted fecal matter, residual chemicals, toxins and heavy metals, and parasites, at the root of toxicity, deficiency and imbalance. You will be better nourished when the intestinal tract is operating well and optimal food digestion and assimilation can occur. A clean intestinal system allows other organs to function better, free from the stress of reabsorbed toxic materials, and enables the natural healing powers of the body to work.
Explanation of Vital Factors for a Successful Cleanse more

Why do an Intestinal Cleanse?

  • To improve regularity and relieve sluggish bowels.
  • As health-boosting preventative maintenance done once or up to 4 times a year.
  • To make a successful lifestyle or diet change, with a fresh start that reduces cravings.
  • As part of an entire healing regimen to survive a chronic illness and improve the quality of life.


Copyright 2009-2017 Holistic Health Reforms, Inc.

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...