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Your Guide to Liver Cleansing

Part 3: How to Cleanse Your Liver
A Nutritional and Herbal Liver Cleanse Program

Outlined below are all the parts we recommend for a full liver cleanse
- herbs, foods, and further steps.

Herbs Specific for the Liver

One of the key products in any liver cleanse program is a combination of specially selected herbs that support your body to heal damaged liver cells, strengthen your liver's ability to provide vital functions and stimulate flushing of wastes from your liver and gallbladder.

Milk Thistle seed, Dandelion root, Burdock root, Gentian root, Parsley root are some of the traditional herbs proven to enhance liver function. Different properties are extracted from herbs depending on if they are concentrated in alcohol, or in water infusions. We recommend using both in formulas that are alcohol extracted and made into a hot herbal tea thereby getting the full spectrum of benefits.

Our Liver Cleanse Concentrate comes in liquid tincture form and is taken throughout the day while cleansing your liver to target areas that need support for healthy liver function. We recommend putting the concentrate in the Liver Cleanse Tea to get the full effect from the herbs. The herbs in this tea stimulate, cleanse and support your liver and gallbladder while making an unfriendly environment for any parasites that might be living in those systems. Plus, this tea smells and tastes great, and can be used as a wonderful coffee or black tea replacement!

Best Foods for Your Liver

There are certain foods with a well-earned reputation for supporting and cleansing the liver. Adding any of these to your daily diet will provide extra nutritional support for this cleansing program.

  • Lemons Fresh lemon juice is the best food for helping your liver make more enzymes. The fresh juice has a chemical structure very similar to many of the body's own digestive enzymes so it is great in providing raw materials for the creation of liver enzymes. As an antioxidant, lemon juice can work on and stabilize free radicals that are released into the bloodstream during digestion. Fresh lemon juice squeezed into water is easy to take and is the top daily diet addition for cleansing and stimulating the liver.

  • Beets and beet tops are excellent for toning and rebuilding the liver. Beets are the richest food source of betaine for natural liver support and a bile thinner. They also increase the liver's efficiency in processing fats. Beets are good sources of easily assimilable iron, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Shredded raw beets combined with a little lemon juice daily make a fantastic liver support dish. Beets can be boiled, roasted, grated raw or steamed in salad, or juiced with other vegetables.

  • Turmeric is spice strong in antioxidant lwhcih protects the liver and aids in liver regeneration. Use it in sauces, dips, stir fry, on vegetables and in stews and soups. A traditional Indian flavor.

  • Garlic activates liver enzymes responsible for absorbing nutrients and cleansing waste and toxins in liver tissue. The selenium and allicin in garlic are vital for correct liver functioning. Garlic also contains the amino acid methionine that aids the liver by cleansing pollutants through the urine.

  • Leafy Green Vegetables like chard, kale and collards, and Broccoli, Cabbage and Brussel sprouts are high in anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals that the liver needs to produce enzymes for the detoxification process.

  • Avocados supply the liver with the antioxidant glutathione which it uses in detoxification and for repair of its own liver tissue.

  • Artichoke stimulates bile and contains antioxidants which help protect the liver.

  • Apples Gallstones can form from too much cholesterol in your bile which causes it to solidifiy. The pectin in apples is high in soluable fiber which binds with fats and cholesterol. Pectin also helps bind heavy metals thus lightening the load on the liver for their detoxification.

As part of the Liver Cleanse Program, we provide you with a recipe for a simple to make Liver Flush Drink that is consumed each morning for 5 days. The citrus juices in the Liver Flush drink provides your body with electrolytes, flush out mucus, are diuretic, alkalize the blood and may help dissolve sludge in the gallbladder. It also contains garlic olive oil and ginger. A traditional home remedy for removing fat-soluble toxins such as pesticide residues from the body.

Keep in mind you are trying to clean your body of toxins and wastes, so it doesn't make sense to consume heavy unhealthy foods and drinks while cleansing. We advise eating light, raw fruits and vegetables, especially those above, the first and last day of cleansing with fresh juice and tea during the middle 3-5 days. Just by consuming all the liquid we recommend with the program including the tea, potassium broth and fresh juices, you will literally flush the liver.

The more you lighten your diet and replace heavy processed foods with fresh whole foods the more benefits you'll feel. Increased energy, better sleep, and a clearer head are all effects of a healthier liver.

Chemicals in certain foods and medications can affect the liver's ability to detoxify what it needs to, slowing down the process. For example, grapefruit juice is metabolized by the same enzyme in the liver that breaks down many drugs, so it can keep the liver busy, blocking the breakdown of the drugs. These then can remain in the blood at unhealthy levels, so many older people on medications are instructed to avoid grapefruit. Lemon juice, on the other hand, helps to produce liver enzymes, aiding detoxification.

When you want to experience the benefits of a complete cleanse, there are other factors beyond just stimulating your liver to release toxins and wastes.

Rid Your Body of Parasites

A congested, polluted system attracts hundreds of forms of parasites. It is possible to harbor unwanted "guests" without knowing it! Just eating out at a fast-food place can pass parasites to you on the greens or other fresh vegetables, fruits or meats. Or you can get them from your pets. Old-time farming families used to routinely do parasite cleanses twice a year to maintain their own health, as well as their animals'. Traditional parasite cleanses include time-tested herbs such black and green walnut hulls, cloves, wormwood, garlic, among others which kill and expel parasites. Target parasites during a complete liver and intestinal cleanse to relieve internal stress from metabolic excretions of parasites, allow tissues to renew and to benefit from the nutrition of what you eat instead of feeding it to these macro- and microorganisms!

Ensure Regular Eliminations While Cleansing Your Liver

Your liver and gallbladder directly connect to your small intestines through bile ducts, relying on regular eliminations of waste and toxins for optimum health. When you do a liver cleanse, it's important to make sure anything that is released by the liver and gallbladder can easily move out of your body to prevent toxic backup. Intestinal Cleanse 1, available in capsules for convenience, stimulates your intestines and colon to quickly and easily move excess waste from cleansing out of your body.

Safely Absorb and Remove Toxins Released From a Cleanse

A strong natural purifier is an important part of any cleanse program. activated charcoal, clay and other natural purifiers absorb and neutralize residual wastes and toxins as they are released from your liver and gallbladder into your intestines. This keeps you feeling good while cleansing since the wastes don't have a chance to reabsorb into your blood stream. Intestinal Cleanse 2, available in powder or capsules, works with Intestinal Cleanse 1 to absorb cleansed wastes and easily remove them from your body.

Get an Organic Whole Food Nutrition Boost While Cleansing

Your body works hard to release old waste and toxins while cleansing. Taking an organic whole food nutrition supplement makes it easier to get an infusion of vital minerals and vitamins to support your cleanse. Since your liver is a key part of your metabolism, you can feel more energy from better nutrient absorption while still cleansing. Vital Nutrition Plus, available in powder or capsules, is a powerhouse of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and vital trace nutrients made from whole foods and herbs.

Increase Beneficial Bacteria for Immune Support and Healthy Digestion

Including a probiotic supplement to your cleansing program ensures that any helpful bacteria removed while cleansing is replenished in your intestines. We offer a high quality probiotic supplement with strains of essential beneficial micro-organisms your body needs for optimum health. Your immune system depends on the support of friendly bacteria to keep it primed and ready to handle invaders. While cleansing, having a good balance of helpful bacteria ensures your immune system stays in top form.

Doing a liver cleanse 1-4 times a year is a great health-supporting maintenance plan. You can do a basic, moderate cleanse with just the liver cleanse concentrate and liver cleanse tea. Doing a liver cleanse every 3-4 months is beneficial to anyone, regardless of their state of health, to make sure the liver is supported to properly do its job of cleaning your blood and balancing your hormones and nutrients.

Liver cleansing can be done periodically as part of a dedicated total body cleanse for improved quality of life. When you want a more serious cleanse for your vital systems (intestines, kidney, liver, and blood), including a liver cleanse is a key part of your health makeover. Along with following a cleansing nutrition program, a liver cleanse is repeated every few months along with other system cleanses .

Your Guide to Liver Cleansing
Part 1: How Does Your Liver Function to Cleanse and Detox Naturally? | Part 2: Signs Your Liver Could Use Support | Part 3

Get started with more energy today!

Choose the intensity of Liver Cleansing you desire:
Our delicious, mild-acting Liver Cleanse Tea
Liver Cleanse Duo for an easy 5-Day cleanse for prevention or gentle support
Complete 10-Day Liver + Intestinal Cleanse
See All Our Liver Cleanse formulas


Copyright 2009-2025 Southern Botanicals H&N, Inc

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

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