Our Natural Health Guides to Cleansing, Nutrition, Herbal Support, and Natural Remedies
Solving the Health Puzzle: Your body reacts and responds differently than others' do. Your body may also change in responses at different times in your life. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription for health for every individual individual.
Learn about the various elements of health to use on your journey to understanding your needs and optimizing your health. The most important elements are Toxicity, Deficiencies, Lifestyle and Stress (both physical and non-physical), and Circulation/Movement. Learn more about these below.
Cleanse & Detoxification Guides and Articles
Toxicity is one of the major elements of the health puzzle. Your liver, intestines (colon), kidneys, lymph and skin are all avenues of elimination to support for better health!
Where to start?
That is somewhat flexible - you can do a little cleansing to target problem areas.
But the most effective cleansing to unburden the body's toxic load is done in this classic order:
Colon/Intestines (Start here) - Liver and Gallbladder - Kidney and Urinary tract - Blood and Lymph
Colon/intestinal tract first, because this is where the wastes back up most. If wastes aren't eliminated daily through the colon/intestinal tract, toxic substances can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream.
Then when the bowels are moving well, the liver is next so it can renew its function - to expel broken-down poisons out of the body through the gall bladder and into intestinal tract for elimination. Part of the liver's work is to also break down some waste it receives into water-soluable compounds that can be sent to the kidneys for elimination in urine.
Then the kidneys are cleansed, flushing them of excess mineral deposits, microbials and other substances. The kidneys will benefit more after the liver is relieved of its toxic burden, and the kidneys can then be more efficient in doing their other functions including mineral regulation, blood pressure regulation and helping blood cell formation.
Lastly, the blood & lymph are cleansed in a more detailed way, which goes back to help the liver and kidney maintain their cleansed state better, too.
- The Total Internal Body Cleanse: Your Passport to a Healthy Body
When you are fatigued, not functioning well or in pain, all your symptoms are usually connected to each other. There may be several other conditions, like sleeplessness, stress and food cravings, but they are connected. Likewise, more than one organ or body system are involved. That's because your body organs and systems work together and if one is compromised, it affects the others. This cleanse draws toxins from your major body systems so it unburdens every organ in the body.
- Your Guide to Intestinal Cleansing
Understand the fundamental parts of an intestinal detoxification program. Start by cleansing, and make it easy to adopt lifestyle changes that will keep the digestive tract clean and fully functioning.
Read about elements of a successful Intestinal Cleanse
- Intestinal Cleanse 2 - An Essential for Detoxification
A residue or accumulation of stored toxicity can have a negative impact on your health and energy. A deep-cleaning formula will absorb these toxins, pull them from your intestinal tract walls and move them safely out. Read more...
- Gentle Intestinal Cleanse 3 - A Kind Solution for Seniors, Children and Pets
- The Differences between the Three Intestinal Cleanses
Intestinal Cleanse 1 provides a different cleansing action than Intestinal 2. Each can be effective for different people, or the same person at different times. Intestinal Cleanse 3 is a little like both, but has its own unique, gentle action. Read More...
- Your Guide to Liver Cleansing Part 1: How Your Liver Functions to Cleanse & Detoxify Naturally
- Your Guide to Liver Cleansing Part 2: Signs Your Liver Could Use Support
- Your Guide to Liver Cleansing Part 3: Part 3: How to Cleanse Your Liver, A Nutritional and Herbal Liver Cleanse Program
- Recognize & Get Rid of Candida
- Natural Kidney Cleanse
- Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy Showers
- Hot and Cold Showers and Lymphatic Cleansing
- Other Benefits of Hot and Cold Shower Therapy
- A Revitalizing Sea Salt Bath
- Master Cleanse Diet
- Is the Lemonade Diet Also a Reducing Diet?
- Basic Tips and Procedure for Doing the Master Cleanse
- Cleanse & Detox Items Shop
Eat Your Way to Good Health - Nutrition & Digestion
Natural Remedies
- Southern Botanicals' Favorite Recipes
We are not the diet police. We do know processed foods will ruin your health eventually, and whole foods can help by giving your body what it needs to heal itself naturally. Whether you eat paleo, raw vegan, keto, plant-based or somewhere in between, we have some recipes for you to expand your meals,�and learn new ways to add more spark, flavor and nutrition to your foods.
Here is one old staple recipe for making your own Nutmilk so you do not have to drink store-bought! Homemade nutmilk is rich and delicious and no additives. You control what goes into it!
Here also are some recipes for Smoothies and Salad Dressings using Chlorella-Spirulina Blend and some of our other products for a delicious boost of nutrients.
We have moved our recipes section to our blog with new and updated recipes for cleansing, healthy eating and tips for boosting nutrition & flavor. We are rolling out our recipes week by week, so come back often to find new recipes we have added, including cleansing and nutritious soups, yummie smoothies, paleo recipes, vegan recipes, veggie dishes, egg dishes, nut and seeds recipes, delicious salad dressings, and healthy�gluten-free desserts.
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