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Intestinal Cleanse 2 - An Essential for Cleansing

Intestinal Cleanse 2 vacuums away toxins from the intestine.

Your intestines have been collecting wastes, poisons and debris for years. This accumulation of stored trash can have a huge negative impact on your health, energy and longevity. You need a deep-cleaning powerhouse - an herbal vacuum cleaner to safely absorb toxic wastes when you are cleansing - and Intestinal Cleanse 2 is it!

Decaying matter on the intestinal walls emit poisons that sabotage your health. Intestinal Cleanse 2 comes to the rescue by helping pry loose and eliminates the ancient fecal material from the intestinal walls. Intestinal Cleanse 2 will also draw out and absorb toxins, poisons, drug residues and even heavy metals such as mercury and lead and carries them safely away. This action, along with a generally healthy diet, makes Intestinal Cleanse 2 probably the cheapest health insurance policy you can buy.

Botanical Ingredients of Intestinal Cleanse 2

Flax seed, Apple Fruit Pectin, Bentonite Clay, Slippery Elm bark, Marshmallow root, Fennel seed, Activated Coconut Charcoal, and Psyllium seeds & husk. All herbal ingredients are organic or wildcrafted.

    The "Terrific Trio" of Apple Pectin, Clay and Charcoal work together to absorb, suspend and neutralize toxins.

  • Pectin is a hero all on its own - it pulls poisons out of the intestine walls, and in fact pectin is one of the materials researched by the Russians for handling radiation poisoning as far back as the early 1960s. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury, Strontium 90 and others are absorbed by Pectin and then allowed to be eliminated.

  • Activated Charcoal is a universal poison remedy, which is why emergency rooms, the best water and air filters all use charcoal. Charcoal absorbs pesticides and even drug residues, important since even those who do not take drugs deliberately may have been exposed to them in their food and water.

    intestinal cleanse 2 - bentonite clay, fennel seed, peppermint leaf

  • Bentonite Clay is the "Iron Man" of waste removers, that can pull many times its weight in wastes out of the intestines. It also helps overwhelm and remove parasites

    Working alongside the waste-removing ingredients are soothing herbs: Marshmallow root, Psyllium seed, Slippery Elm bark and Flax seed.

  • Flax seed is rich in Essential Fatty Acids omega 3 and 6 which soothe and reduce inflammation. It is also a natural stool softener helping to loosen up and remove old wastes.

  • Slippery Elm creates a mucus-like coating to protect the intestinal walls and reduce irritation.

  • Marshmallow root is mucilagenous and a centuries-old remedy for intestinal irritation - soothing relief!

  • Psyllium seed is universally given in medical books as a remedy of choice to soothe bowels. Its soothing properties combine with its ability to calm or slow down the speed of fecal flow, so in cases of diarrhea it is very helpful. No need to suffer! At the same time, by bulking up the stool, psyllium makes it easier for the bowel muscles to push out wastes.

  • Fennel seed is known to promote good digestion and ease gas and bloating..

Anyone suffering from bowel problems can benefit from the fiber and the powerful detoxing properties of the herbs in this formula, which can help soothe and calm. And be sure to keep a supply of Intestinal Cleanse 2 handy whenever you travel - it may make the difference between an enjoyable trip and a disaster!

Many consider this product a God-send. We certainly feel that way, and hope you find it as helpful as we do.

"After using Colon Cleanse 2, I sweat less, muscles are more relaxed and don't cramp up since I have eliminated much of the toxins and garbage that was stored there." B.D., Boca Raton, FL

"Since I've been using your products, eating better, and concentrating on keeping my intestinal track clean, I've noticed a dramatic improvement of my conditions. The symptoms that seemed to plague me in the past are all but gone now. I felt unhealthy with this problem for more than three years. �I am happy to report that I am starting to feel much better and am back to the active, happy person I used to be. Thank you for your help. I cannot find the words to show my appreciation for all the help, knowledge, inspiration, and concern you have given me. I am awestruck with your sincere desire to help people like me...." - L.V.

More information about Cleansing:

Providing gentle bulk, Intestinal Cleanse 2 may be used alone as a soothing, cleansing remedy.

It can be also combined with Intestinal Cleanse 1, our top herbal product to strengthen movement in sluggish bowels and cleanse them out in the following ways: Note: People who are suffering from chronic loose stools should take Intestinal Cleanse 2 by itself only. Do not take Intestinal Cleanse 1 in such cases.

  • You can add Intestinal Cleanse 1 after you have started Intestinal Cleanse 2 if you find that you need more "push" to move the additional bulk and fiber through. Intestinal Cleanse 1 will ensure those wastes are being efficiently eliminated.

  • You could alternately start with Intestinal Cleanse 1 to get your bowels moving, and then after you are having good, regular bowel movements, add more fiber with Intestinal Cleanse 2 to help ensure that wastes are being absorbed and buffered. Maintain and increase Intestinal Cleanse1 once daily while you continue taking Intestinal Cleanse 2 at other times of the day for a thorough cleanse for 10 days. Complete instructions provided with the kit products.

  • Cleanse kit programs with both products can be used two to three times a year to help maintain colon health and boost energy. You'll be amazed at how much better life seems when this cleansing becomes a regular routine.
Directions For a Detoxifying Cleanse:
For directions on using Intestinal Cleanse 2 for a detoxifying cleanse, please visit the product information pages here: Capsules, or Powder.

Read more info about ... Intestinal Formula 1 or A Complete Intestinal Cleanse Program


Copyright 2009-2025 Southern Botanicals H&N, Inc

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...