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“A well known Japanese proverb states that a bowl of miso soup each day keeps the doctor away, and traditional folk wisdom abounds with sayings about the value of miso."

From The Book of Miso, by William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi, (Ten Speed Press 1983, page 21 and page 25)

Recipe: Sweet Onion Miso Soup from The Little Book of Miso Recipes

Our organic, unpasteurized, traditionally-made miso is healthy and delicious in several varieties, with soybeans, or with chickpeas or azuki beans instead. 

Healthwise, miso is known to strengthen the body and to contribute to a healthy microbiome.

Miso is an excellent survival food. Miso was seen to help people to survive the effects of the atomic blasts in Japan during WWII*, and many Europeans ate miso for protection after the Chernobyl disaster*. 

Use miso in salad dressings, soups, sauces or dips, and spread on vegetables, grains or meats. We have a small recipe book you can order for ideas and instructions.

For a quick probiotic snack, spread a little of any flavor miso on a rice cake or a lettuce wrap, or on fresh raw veggie pieces. 

You can mix a spoonful of your favorite miso in a cup of hot water for a nourishing alternative to coffee or tea. 

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The Little Book of Miso Recipes by South River Miso
The Little Book of Miso Recipes by South River Miso
SKU: BOOKS.:Miso Recipes SR
Price: $2.50

Organic Chickpea Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Chickpea Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Price: $12.85

Organic Sweet White Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Sweet White Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
SKU: FOOD PRODUCTS.:Miso Sweet White
Price: $12.85

Organic Garlic Red Pepper Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Garlic Red Pepper Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
SKU: FOOD PRODUCTS.:Miso Garlic Red Pepper
Price: $14.60

Organic Azuki Bean Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Azuki Bean Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Price: $12.85

Organic Hearty Brown Rice Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Hearty Brown Rice Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
SKU: FOOD PRODUCTS.:Miso Hearty Brown Rice
Price: $14.60

Organic Sweet-Tasting Brown Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
Organic Sweet-Tasting Brown Miso (16 oz. Glass Jar)
SKU: FOOD PRODUCTS.:Miso Sweet Brown
Price: $12.85

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Copyright 2009-2017 Holistic Health Reforms, Inc.

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...