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Your Guide to Liver Cleansing

Part 2: Signs Your Liver Could Use Support

"We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons." ~ Alfred E. Newman

Liver detoxes the wastes dumped into body

Your liver is the major detoxifying organ in your body. Your liver sorts through all the junk, waste, and toxic chemicals that get into your system and filters them out. Breaking down toxins chemically, your liver turns these wastes into liquid that is eliminated through your sweat, urine or stools.

Many factors can slow down the liver's ability to function at its best. Eating a diet high in fat and chemical preservatives, makes the liver work harder. When you consume too much alcohol, are exposed to a lot of environmental toxins like pesticides or have a major hormone imbalance, your liver may not be able to keep up. Other factors like aging and exposure to heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, can all slow down the liver's detoxification process. The extra toxins your liver couldn't process may be stored in your fat cells and tissues in an attempt to remove them from your bloodstream.

When the Liver Becomes Sluggish

Signs that show up can be hard to connect directly to liver function. For example, premenstrual discomfort can come from too much of the hormone estrogen circulating in the blood which occurs when your liver is not breaking down the excess.

If your liver is overloaded and stressed, this may show up as:

  • Difficulty in concentrating (brain fog), reoccurring headaches, irritability
  • Problems with digestion including poor absorption of nutrients, bloating, and constipation
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  • Difficulty losing weight, despite dieting
  • Rashes and other skin problems, including brownish spots appearing on the skin, often called "liver spots"
  • Chronic fatigue or lethargy
  • Dark circles under the eyes and low energy
  • Difficulty with blood sugar
  • Hormones being off balance including premenstrual complaints that are worse then usual
  • Allergic reaction to smells
  • Wakefulness at night, especially between 2 - 4 am

Since the liver is responsible for filtering cholesterol out of your blood, ensuring your liver is supported can help your overall health. The liver eliminates toxins, poisons and waste from your blood. When the liver becomes congested with toxins, they have nowhere to go but back into the bloodstream. Keeping your body's filters running clean with nutritional support makes good sense.

Amazingly, your liver is the only internal organ naturally capable of regenerating its own damaged tissue. While this is a testament to the healing power of the human body, there are limits to the abuse your liver can take. There are things you can do to assist your liver with nutrtiional support when it is stressed. Next: How to Do a Liver Cleanse ...

Your Guide to Liver Cleansing
Part 1: How Does Your Liver Function to Cleanse and Detox Naturally? | Part 2 | Part 3: How to Cleanse and Support Your Liver

Get started with more energy today!

Find the intensity of Liver Cleansing you desire:
Liver Cleanse Tea for an easy 5-Day cleanse of gentle support
Complete 10-Day Liver + Intestinal Cleanse
See All Our Liver Cleanse formulas


Copyright 2009-2025 Southern Botanicals H&N, Inc

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...