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Total Internal Body Cleanse Kit
SKU: SB KITS:Total Internal Caps 2024
Original Price: $339.10
Sale Price: $308.25
Vol. Pricing:
Add-on to Kit: add Chlorella/Spirulina 360 tablets (Add $15.68)

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The Total Internal Body Cleanse is the ultimate health cleanse with 4 steps using herbal formulas designed to cleanse and detox the entire body in a one-month cleanse for the intestinal system, liver, kidney, and clearing the blood and lymph.

The Intestinal Cleanse gets your bowels moving regularly and cleans the intestinal walls of old fecal matter, acidic wastes, chemical residues. Clearing out the intestinal tract first ensures that the toxins being released by the Total Internal Body Cleanse have a passage out of your body and won't just be reabsorbed.

The Kidney Cleanse backs up this action. Relieving their toxic overload, the kidneys are able to flush out toxins and wastes via the bladder, and keep the body's minerals and fluids in good balance.

The Liver is the body's own main detoxifier, but it too can be overloaded. When given support and helped to detoxify, the liver can better do its function of breaking down poisons from the rest of the body. The herbs in the liver cleanse support the liver in repairing its own cells as well.

Blood and Lymph Cleansing is vital because blood transports nutrients, oxygen and hormones to the rest of the body, while lymph removes cellular wastes and maintains the immune system. Your body needs clean, oxygen-rich, nutrient-loaded blood and active, flowing lymph. Herbally cleansing and supporting the blood and lymph helps your body reverse just recirculating and reabsorbing toxins. 

This kit includes the following items:

  • 1 - Intestinal Cleanse 1 (90 capsules)
  • 2 - Intestinal Cleanse 2 (240 capsules) Powder Out of Stock
  • 1 - Probiotic supplement (60 capsules)
  • 1 - Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt (1/4 lb.)
  • 1 - Liver Cleanse Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Liver Cleanse Tea (5.5 oz.)
  • 1 - ParaHerbs Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Kidney & Bladder Cleanse Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Kidney Cleanse Tea (3.5 oz.)
  • 1 - Tonic Supreme (8 oz.)
  • 1 - Blood & Lymph Cleanse Concentrate (1 oz.)
  • 1 - Blood & Lymph Cleanse Tea - Kit Size (1 oz.)
  • 1 - Cayenne Powder Packet (2 oz.)

A great addition to this package is Chlorella Spirulina 50-50 organic blend tablets, this green superfood supplement will give you a nutritional boost of energy. It provides nutrients that your body can assimilate easily and rapidly every day to help you complete your cleanse successfully with plenty of energy. The chlorophyll, fiber, vitamins and minerals naturally found in these aid in detoxification for your cleanse.

Another excellent addition is Echinacea Extra to improve immune response so that your own system strengthens to repel invaders. This was not included in the package because there are many people who have autoimmune diseases who need to heal before boosting their immune activity. But if your immune system is normal to low, we highly recommend adding Echinacea Extra as you detoxify your body with this cleanse. You will build an immune fortress to keep you strong and be less likely to have trouble in the future!

Another option is a natural bristle Skin Brush & non-toxic natural soap for shower and shampoo to use while cleansing, and after, so you can detox well through your skin too. Better circulation, more energy, reduced cellulite over time, and healthier glowing skin results. Read more about this Skin Brush & Shower Kit: Miracle II Soap & Tampico Skin Brush

With this kit, you will also receive a series of Cleanse Email Tips for your cleanse including tips on what you can do to prepare for the cleanse while waiting for your kit to arrive, more tips and reminders on how to use the products for each step, additional recipes for cleansing and more information. Each kit also comes with a full color instruction booklet, and free phone and email support. We are here to make sure you have what you need for a successful cleanse!

(Note: If you do not want to receive the Cleanse Email series, please tell us when you order by putting a note in the order Comments. Or if you wish to stop receiving them once started, just let us know and we'll stop sending them.)

Start now to create your future great health!

Success Stories

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results taking herbal preparations vary, and similar results are not guaranteed. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health practitioner if you have a health problem before using this or any dietary or herbal supplement.

The Total Internal Body Cleanse Kit

I decided to try the Total Internal Body Cleanse and after completing the five-week program it literally changed the wiring in my cells, it blew me away and I was SO much better. I was stronger, my body moved better, my body functioned at a better rate; this is the best medicine you can get! At every stage of cleansing, depending on which product I was taking, my stool would change color. I could see things I had taken years before being released. For the most part I've been very well behaved with what I eat after cleansing. My advice for anyone thinking about taking Total Internal Body Cleanse is don't rewrite the wheel, just follow the instructions and you'll see great results that will "wow" you! If you can, write a diary about your experiences while cleansing because you'll forget what it felt like those first few days and how the results amazed you. ~E.T., Ontario, Canada
I have done the whole cleanse program one time through. That is, intestinal cleanse, liver cleanse and kidney cleanse, and I can tell you, it really helped! I lost nine pounds effortlessly. My insulin levels went to normal. This happened in the first few days! I feel so much better! Just the knowledge that one can clean up and clear out things that were problems once and for all gives a relief I was very pleased to have. I can't say enough about this program. But I can tell you that I'm going to do it again! Thank you, Ron, for your help and your very timely advice! This is the best, most workable body program I have ever done!!!
- Mary D.


Intestinal Cleanse 1 -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Turkey Rhubarb root*, Cape Aloe extract*, Garlic bulb*, Senna leaf*, Barberry root bark*, Cascara Sagrada bark+, Cayenne pepper fruit, Fennel seed*, and Ginger root*. Kosher Gelatin capsule. 

Intestinal Cleanse 2 -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Psyllium husk*, Psyllium seed*, Bentonite Clay (Montmorillinite), Apple Fruit Pectin*, Flax seed*, Marshmallow root*, Slippery Elm bark*, Activated Charcoal, Fennel seed* and Peppermint leaf*. Kosher Gelatin capsule. 

Probiotic supplement - Contains these strains of beneficial micro-organisms that coexist in the human body to maintain good health: L. acidophilus - 16.8 billion CFU, L. plantarum - 2.4 billion CFU, L. salivarius - 2.4 billion CFU, S. thermophilus - 2.4 billion CFU. Vegetarian capsule.

Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt - Unrefined sea salt farmed by hand from the ocean and rich in trace minerals.

ParaHerbs Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Black Walnut hull+, Clove Bud*, Garlic bulb*, Fennel seed*, Gentian root+, Wormwood leaf*, Peppermint leaf*, Hyssop leaf*, Thyme leaf* and Sage leaf* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Liver Cleanse Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Milk Thistle seed*, Oregon Grape root+, Gentian root*, Chanca Piedra leaf+, Garlic bulb*, Fennel seed*, Dandelion root*, Wormwood*,  Black Walnut hull*, and Ginger root* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol. Updated Formula.

Liver Cleanse Tea -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Dandelion Root*, Burdock Root*, Cinnamon Bark*, Carob Pod*, Fennel Seed*, Cardamom Seed*, Clove Bud*, Black Peppercorn*, Orange Peel*, Juniper Berry*, Ginger Root*, Parsley Root*, Licorice Root*, Pau d'Arco Bark+, Horsetail* and Chanca Piedra Leaf+.

Kidney & Bladder Cleanse Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Juniper berries*, Uva Ursi leaf*, Corn silk*, Horsetail herb+, Pipsissewa leaf+, Burdock root*, Goldenrod flower*, Parsley root* & leaf* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Kidney Cleanse Tea -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Juniper Berries*, Uva Ursi Leaf*, Dandelion Leaf+, Orange Peel*, Horsetail Herb*, Peppermint Leaf*, Goldenrod Flower*, Corn Silk*, Parsley Leaf & Root*, Hydrangea Root+, Chanca Piedra Leaf+ and Marshmallow Root*.

Tonic Supreme -
Ingredients: Unfiltered, Unpasteurized, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Garlic, Organic White Onion, Horseradish Root, Organic Ginger Root and Habanero (Cayenne) Pepper.

Blood & Lymph Cleanse Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Red Clover Blossom*, Chaparral*, Burdock Root*, Goldenseal Root*, Lobelia*, Oregon Grape Root+, Yellow Dock Root*, Garlic* and Cayenne pepper* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Blood & Lymph Cleanse Tea -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Red Clover Blossom*, Oregon Grape Root+, and Chaparral herb*.

Recommended Add-on Products:

Chlorella/Spirulina Organic Energy Food- Ingredients: A 50-50 blend of Chlorella and Spirulina, grown in Taiwan in clean fresh wate, and pressed into tiny green tablets with no binders or fillers.

Echinacea Extra - Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Echinacea Angustifolia Root*, Echinacea Purpurea Root* & Seed*, Garlic and Habanero (Cayenne) Pepper in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Optional Add-On: Skin Brush & Shower Package:

Tampico Skin Brush These bristles are made from tampico fiber - the unbleached stem of the Agave plant. The handle is hardwood now improved with a protective natural coating.

Miracle II Soap for showering, shampooing, washing hands and face, even brushing your teeth. Completely non-toxic and gentle to the skin.
Ingredients:Electrically Engineered/Oxygenated Water, Ash of Coconut Shell (Dedecyl) Solution, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vegetable Gum (acts as a foaming agent).

Contains no sugar, no animal products, no GMOs and no fillers.

Suggested Use

The whole body Cleanse can be done all at once in 20 to 30 days, including the Pre-Cleanse for those who need it. You can do this cleanse once or twice a year.

Or you can take it one step at a time, and cleanse body by body system, but taking a break between steps if needed. This way, you can do the steps in sequence with a break of a few days, a week, or even a month in between steps. Perfect to give yourself time to cleanse on your busy schedule.

Any step can be repeated to continue making gains if you have had chronic toxicity.


The Total Internal Body Cleanse Kit and its herbal ingredients are not recommended for use by pregnant or nursing women.  Intestinal Cleanse 1 may cause uterine contractions.

Adequate water intake daily is required. Taking Intestinal Cleanse 2 without enough liquid may lead to constipation or choking. Do not take in cases of bowel obstruction. Do not take medications within an hour of taking Intestinal Cleanse 2 as their absorption maybe delayed or reduced.

Consult a health professional before using the products in this package if you are taking medications or have a medical condition.

More Info

The Total Internal Body Cleanse: Your Passport to a Healthy Body

Who needs one? And Why?

When your body is healthy you seldom have any attention on it. You feel good. You focus on the outside world, its people, your work, the arts, nature and relationships. But when your body is sick, overweight, tired or in pain it pulls your attention onto it in a very unpleasant way.

And you start looking at ways to fix it. The symptoms for this non-optimum situation will demand solutions. If it's just a small, temporary inconvenience it can usually be handled easily. But there are times when you know that there's something (or things) that cannot be ignored.

When you are sick, tired, overweight, and have discomfort, the symptoms are usually connected to each other. There may be several conditions, like sleeplessness, stress and food cravings, but they are connected. Likewise, more than one organ or body system are involved. That's because your body organs and systems work together and if one is compromised it affects the others.

This is why a total internal body cleanse may be just what you need to restore your body's health. This cleanse draws toxins from every organ in the body.

Read this article for the 4 Steps ...


Copyright 2009-2017 Holistic Health Reforms, Inc.

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...