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Candida-Para Cleanse Super 4-Pack
SKU: SB KITS:CandidaPara 4
Original Price: $97.50
Sale Price: $88.50
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Candida and parasites find it easy to live where they find an imbalanced internal environment or a stressed immune system. Both parasites and candida create wastes which make things much worse for your body - causing mental fog, low energy, digestive problems along cravings and reduced assimilation of nutrients. Other symptoms may be poor sleep,lowered resiliancy, aches and stiffness, and itching skin.

We looked for the most effective way to reduce candida and expel parasites and put things back in balance with the least cost and number of products, and we came up with 4 Super natural substances that work together. Power-packed, they address the internal environment to create a cleaner, better balanced body. These 4 products can also be used individually or together for periodic maintenance.

Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) shreds the surface of intestinal worms and disrupts and dehydrates them. Extremely effective mechanical action.

ParaHerbs Concentrate Inner (green) Black Walnut hulls, Cloves and Wormwood arethree classic herbs known to destroy adult organisms and their eggs. These are also toxic to Candida. Supporting herbs also inhibit or expel Candida and parasites, and soothe the intestinal tract: Fennel Seed*, Gentian Root, Peppermint, Sage, Hyssop, Garlic and Thyme. A super combination.

Desert Detox is a superior blood cleanser which is inimical to fungus, yeast and many protozoan and larval forms of parasites which may move out of the intestinal tract into the blood and organs. It also resists the viruses and bacteria carried by many parasites that can effect you and wear down your immune system.

Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) an ancient Middle eastern remedy that naturally inhibits many unwanted microorganisms. It can reduce and inhibit the growth of Candida.*  Certain kinds of worms crawl out to lay their eggs around your anus and then crawl back in to continue living inside - yuck! Sorry, but that is exactly what may be happening when you experience anal itching at night. Wiping the area with Black seed oil before bed or upon waking in the night, stops this, and you can sleep. Nigella Sativa also helps stop worms from taking hold, and it promotes bowel movements (slightly laxative).

These 4 natural products work well together to provide real help. You can take these for a month or several months.After an initial period, you can use them for maintenance once a week, then once a month, or any time your probiotic population and immune defenses need help.

This kit includes the following items:

  • 1 - Diatomaceous Earth, Food Grade (12 oz.)
  • 1 - ParaHerbs Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Desert Detox Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Black Seed Oil (8 oz.)

For some people, Diatomaceous Earth may be drying to your system also, and after two days can slow your bowels down somewhat. Black seed oil is somewhat laxative, so taking it with meals or every couple of days can help keep things moving. Black Seed oil also discourages anything from attaching to the walls of your intestines.

If you are usually constipated however, we highly recommend you do the full Para + Intestinal Cleanse which clears out old accumulations and helps you make easy daily bowel movements your new normal. It includes these 4 super products, plus 2 additional ones which discourage and expel microorganisms and excess accumulate wastes. Plus probiotics and 2 nutritional items to help you complete this internal renewal cleanse with energy to be successful.


Diatomaceous Earth, Food grade -
Made from the purified fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. Their skeletons are made of a natural substance called silica. The FDA rates Diatomaceous Earth as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

ParaHerbs Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Black Walnut hull+, Clove Bud*, Garlic bulb*, Fennel seed*, Gentian root+, Wormwood leaf*, Peppermint leaf*, Hyssop leaf*, Thyme leaf* and Sage leaf* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Desert Detox Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Chaparral*, Red Clover Blossom*, Echinacea Angustifolia Root*, Pau d'Arco Bark+ and Lobelia* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol.

Black Seed Oil -
100% Cold-pressed Virgin Black Seed oil, solvent-free, no herbicides or pesticides, packed in glass.

More Info

Learn more about how to Recognize & Get Rid of Candida.

Copyright 2009-2017 Holistic Health Reforms, Inc.

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...