Olive Leaf Extract d-Lenolate 180 capsules
d-Lenolate® is a superior herbal supplement that provides the support you need for the immune system. Using a patented extraction process, d-Lenolate® has been shown in a double blind study to strengthen the system's defenses and enable the body to efficiently eliminate toxins.
The Superior Olive Leaf Extract d-Lenolate® (60 or 180 capsules x 500mg) in vegetarian capsules and no additives.
Powerful nutrients extracted from olive leaves (Oleuropein & other therapeutic compounds) eliminate toxins by working with white blood cells and balancing body's natural chemistry.
Suggested Use
Take 1-2 capsules three times a day with food. If taken on an empty stomach, may cause some digestive discomfort for some people.
If you have a sensitive digestive system, we recommend you take Olive Leaf Extract d-Lenolate with Aloe instead, which has healing properties for stomach and intestinal tract.
Protocol for Beginning a longer course of Olive Leaf Extract:
This product is the perfect way to flood your system with immune-boosting doses of olive leaf at the start of a longer course (2-4 months) of therapy using Olive Leaf Extract. It helps to reduce the effects of Herxheimer reaction - the healing crisis symptoms, and avoid the need for a gradual increase of doses.
- Take 2 tablets of Olive Leaf Extract d-Lenolate Plus Cold & Flu four times a day for 3 days. This uses up the whole bottle in 3 days.
- Take 2 tablets of regular Olive Leaf Extract d-Lenolate three times a day for 2-4 months. Or use Olive Leaf d-Lenolate with Aloe for those with sensitive digestive tracts to promote healing.)
At the end of desired therapeutic period, you may stop taking any d-lenolate or take a maintenance amount of 1-2 capsules per day.
Seek the advice of a health care professional or pediatrician for children, or if you are pregnant or nursing, or have a medical condition.