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Liver Cleanse Duo
SKU: SB KITS:Liver Cleanse Duo
Original Price: $60.00
Sale Price: $57.00
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Cleanse & Support of the Liver

The Liver Cleanse Duo offers an effective way to detoxify the liver and flush bile to carry away by-products. This is a 7 to 10 day cleanse. It is somewhat flexible so that if you wish to take less each day and extend it longer, you can do that.

The herbs in the Liver Cleanse Duo are very effective in detoxifying and flushing out your liver and the gallbladder, supporting healthy liver cells and strengthening your liver's work capacity. The herbs in the Liver Cleanse Concentrate and Tea can be taken if you've had your gallbladder removed.

As the primary filtering and detoxifying organ of your body, the liver is designed to function 24/7, cleaning your blood of toxins. When it becomes overloaded from the chemicals in food; exposure to poisons in the environment; drug residues; worn out blood cells; continuous over-eating; a diet of processed and refined foods, and chemicals in personal care items used, such as suntan lotion and shampoos, it can't function as efficiently. It becomes sluggish and you don't feel good. 

  • Tired from loss of nutrients, minerals and vitamins
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Bad breath
  • Intolerance to fatty foods 
  • Indigestion, bloating, gas, irregular bowel movements
  • Lowered resistance
  • General aches and pains in the body

When you flush out the stressed liver, you support it so it can do its job, creating health and energy. This cleanse can be repeated periodically as you make improvements in your lifestyle to keep healthy.

The herbal ingredients in the concentrate and tea assist the liver in its breakdown of naturally occurring stress hormones and also by acting as a strong blood cleanser. The concentrate and tea also increase bile for fat digestion. The detoxifying properties of the Liver Cleanse herbs help flush the bile through the liver and gallbladder.

Liver Cleanse Tea is a delicious-tasting tea that assists liver function and rejuvenation. This blend helps to stimulate normal liver functions. The Liver Cleanse Concentrate extracts and condenses a different set of beneficial effects of the plants. Using both these water- and alcohol-extracted properties together from the herbs, you get a powerfully effective formula specific for liver support.

This package includes the following items:

  • 1 - Liver Cleanse Concentrate (2 oz.)
  • 1 - Liver Cleanse Tea (5.5 oz.)

A full set of instructions is included with your package as well as phone or email support if needed to answer your questions and help you have a succesful cleanse.


Liver Cleanse Concentrate -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Milk Thistle seed*, Oregon Grape root+, Gentian root*, Chanca Piedra leaf+, Garlic bulb*, Fennel seed*, Dandelion root* Wormwood+, Black Walnut Hull+, and Ginger root* in a base of distilled water and certified organic GMO-free alcohol. Updated Formula.

Liver Cleanse Tea -
Ingredients (*Organic, +Wildcrafted): Dandelion Root*, Burdock Root*, Cinnamon Bark*, Carob Pod*, Fennel Seed*, Cardamom Seed*, Clove Bud*, Black Peppercorn*, Orange Peel*, Juniper Berry*, Ginger Root*, Parsley Root*, Licorice Root*, Pau d'Arco Bark+, Horsetail* and Chanca Piedra Leaf+.

Contains no sugar, no animal products, no GMOs and no fillers.

For more details on the effects of the specific botanicals in our Liver Cleanse Duo, please click here for the Liver Cleanse Tea and click here for the Liver Cleanse Concentrate.

Note: We recommend using Intestinal Cleanse 1 and Intestinal Cleanse 2 while doing a liver cleanse. This will ensure any toxins and waste released into the intestines from the liver and gallbladder are absorbed, neutralized and quickly eliminated.

Suggested Use

This is a 7- 10 day cleanse. It is also flexible, as people have different needs and their bodies don't all respond the same. You can do a shorter 5 day cleanse, or extend it a few days, or take fewer servings of tea and droppersful each day with benefit also. 

Supplies 59-60 droppersful or servings of Liver Cleanse Concentrate
Take 1 - 2 droppersful of Liver Cleanse Concentrate two to four times a day. 
You can start by taking less to see how your body reacts, and then work up to more.  
If there is any left over, the remaining amount can be used to cleanse again later.

You can adjust the number of droppersful and times a day for a mild to moderate to strong cleanse to make it comfortable for your body. Not everyone needs to take 8 droppersful a day to get their body responding well to the herbs.

Liver Cleanse Concentrate can be taken straight under the tongue, in a little water or juice, or added to a cup of Cleanse tea about 15 minutes or more before meals in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening, two to four times a day.

The Liver Cleanse Tea contains approximately 20 Tablespoons, and makes 3-4 cups of tea a day for 7 - 10 days. 
Follow the tips below to extend the tea strength and extend how long the bag lasts. You may then have some leftover for later use.

The ingredients of the tea are not powdered, but are dried herbs, seeds, roots, bark and berries. It is recommended to soak dry tea herbs in a quart of pure water overnight in a covered pot, and then simmer in the morning to get all the properties and benefits.

This cleanse that can be repeated 3 - 5 times a year times a year.

See our video on the best ways to take herbal tinctures.

See our video on how to make loose tea.

To prepare:

1.Soak 2 level Tablespoons of dry tea in 1 quart of water overnight (if use the tea extender tips below for stronger tea, you could use 1 1/2 quarts.).

2. Bring to a boil in a covered pot, and then immediately turn down to simmer for 10-15 minutes. 
3. Drink 2-3 times a day, 1-2 cups each time. Do not refrigerate. Best used within 24 hours.
4. Pour off the first cup or two hot in the morning. Save the rest at room temperature on the counter or in a glass sport bottle to go with you.

Extender tips to make your bag of tea last longer or the tea stronger:

~ This tea is so potent, you can reuse it a second time. Put strained herbs in refrigerator until evening to soak again.

1. You may strain off the used herbs from one day's batch, and save in refrigerator until you are ready to soak the next batch in the evening. 
2. Add one Tablespoon of dry herbs to the used herbs, and soak all overnight again.
3. Simmer in the morning for 10-15 minutes and drink about 15 minutes or so before meals. Before meals is best so the body gets a clear message from the herbs not mixed 
    with food.

~Soaked herbs and water can be ground in a blender before simmering to make a stronger dose of tea.

For a stronger tea: Use 2 Tablespoons of dried herbs in a quart of pure water, soak overnight. Then in the morning grind softened herbs in a blender before simmering. Strain particles out before drinking. 


To extend how long a bag of tea will last, use 1 1/2 Tablespoons of dried herbs in a quart of pure water and soak overnight. In the morning grind the softened herbs in a blender before simmering. More of the herbal properties will be released into the water so less herbs can still produce a good tea. Strain before drinking.




Consult a health professional before using the products in this package if you are taking medications or have a medical condition.

More Info

Wondering if a liver cleanse is right for you? Read our natural health article Feeling Sluggish? It May Be Your Liver!

Check here for more information on Cleansing Your Internal Environment For Natural Hormone Balance


Copyright 2009-2017 Holistic Health Reforms, Inc.

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...