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![]() THE MUCUSLESS DIETWe should not put mucus into the body faster than it can be eliminated. With this low mucus preventative diet, not only are the sinuses, the bronchi, and the lungs cleared, but also the constipating mucus (catarrh) in the tissues of the body from the head to the bottom of the feet. Dr. John R. Christopher, M.H., N.D. is thought of as "one of America's foremost herbalists" and is the founder of The School of Natural Healing. He created over 50 formulas and wrote many books which are considered classics in the field. It was his goal to "have an herbalist in every house and a master herbalist in every community." He wanted everyone to be in charge of their own health and have the understanding and knowledge to care for their own body. In his endeavors, he created a cleansing diet that was named Dr. Christopher's Mucusless Diet as detailed in this article. While Dr. Christopher's Mucusless Diet is not entirely vegetarian or vegan, modern health enthusiasts will recognize many similarities. You may already be following a large portion of his recommendations and not even know it! Popular diets abound, many conflicting. People may have need of different diets at different times in their lives. No one, however needs highly processed foods full of chemicals and with little nutritional value. The following information may be of benefit to you in clean out your system of these things. Another thing to keep in mind are the benefits of following a mainly alkaline diet. Reducing mucus is one of them because mucus often results from irritation and inflammation from acid residue-forming foods. Processed foods of all kinds are the major culprits, as well as the foods that Dr. Christopher mentions below. See the tip box below for more about the benefits of providing more alkaline minerals through your food. Whether a food is acid or alkaline in nature does has nothing to do with how we perceive it or how it tastes. The acidity or alkalinity of a food is measured by its pH level, and is determined by the type of "residue" left over when it is metabolized. For example lemon, pineapple and garlic are alkaline-forming, while sugar, pasta, and bread are acid-forming. Acid-forming foods tend to increase the production of mucus in the body because mucus is used as a natural defense against acids and other irritants and helps move them through and out of the body. If your diet continues to be extremely acid for extended periods of time, an overproduction of mucus can occur, causing poor digestion, congestion in nasal passages, sinuses, throat, and lungs. Alkaline foods do not tend to form mucus. Some herbs and foods help clear mucus from the body. The Alkaline/Acid 80/20 Chart was based on the book, Alkalize or Die, by Dr. Theodore Baroody. The book itself contains many detailed lists of strong and weak mucus-forming acid foods and mucusless alkaline foods, and how to use their combinations. Your will find much helpful information in it, including menu planning, recipes, effects of stress, plus alternative healing and lifestyle modes that can reduce excess acid and make your body and health more resilient. Dr. Christopher's Mucusless DietHARMFUL OR MUCUS-FORMING FOODS All secondary, denaturized, or inorganic food substances are to be eliminated from the patient's diet while cleansing. Sugar and All Sugar Products: You may use raw unheated honey, sorghum molasses, or blackstrap molasses, but no sugar of any type. [NOTE: Whole stevia leaves or a liquid whole leaf stevia water extract is another sweet substitute. Anything in the store that is a white powder or clear liquid, however, is processed and unacceptable. These have other processed sweeteners mixed in, too.] Meat: Eliminate all conventional industrially-raised red meats from the diet. A little white fish once a week, or a bit of young chicken that has not been fed commercial food or inoculated with formaldehyde and other anti-spoilage serums, would be all right (as these are the higher forms of edible flesh), but do not use them too often. [Now it is possible to get clean, pasture-raised meat that could contribute to a healthy diet in small amounts. For cleansing, make the amount very small.] Milk: Eliminate all dairy products, which includes butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. These are all mucus-forming substances. As a substitute for butter or margarine (hardened vegetable oils, etc.), you can train your taste buds to enjoy a good, fresh olive oil on vegetables, salads, and other foods and you will discover this is one of the choicest foods there is. Flour and Flour Products: When flour is heated and baked at high temperatures, it changes to a mucus-forming substance. This is no longer a food, which means it has no life remaining therein. All wholesome food is organic, where unwholesome food or dead food is inorganic. This is the key to our whole mucusless diet program. Conventional Salt: For those who are accustomed to large amounts of salt, this may sound difficult, but if you will substitute coarsely ground pepper and savory herbs, adding powdered kelp, you will find that the craving for salt will immediately begin to disappear. The black pepper is a good nutritional herb and helps rebuild the body when used in its natural state. But, when the pepper is cooked in food, the molecular structure changes, so it becomes an inorganic irritant (as high heat changes the cayenne, black pepper, and spices from organic to inorganic), and this is the only time when damage results. The use of salts of a vegetable or potassium base (such as Dr. Jensen's, Dr. Bronner's, and other various ones, which in some cases contain some sea salt) is all right, providing it is not overdone. [NOTE: Unref Eggs: Eggs should not be eaten hard-cooked, as these are extremely mucus-forming. Supplements: Revitalizing and Healing AidsThe supplement recommendations will build up strength in the body, speed healing and start cutting the mucus out of the tissues and remove the catarrh from the system, according to Dr. Christopher. [Catarrh: inflammation of a mucous membrane especially of the respiratory tract, causing excessive secretions.] ![]() Cayenne: Take 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoonful of cayenne, three times a day. Start gradually with 1/8 teaspoonful in a little oil. Add 1/8 teaspoonful one additional time daily every three days, until you are taking 1/8 teaspoonful three times a day. This can be increased to 1/4 teaspoonful (the graduated dosages will accustom your system to the pungency of the herb).![]() Apple Cider Vinegar and Raw Honey: Place one tablespoonful of raw organic honey and one tablespoonful of vinegar in warm water, so that the honey will liquefy. Sip this amount three times a day so that at the end of the day a total quantity of three tablespoonfuls are consumed. This must be apple cider vinegar, do not use malts or other types of vinegar, as these are damaging to the body. The apple cider vinegar is medicinal and very beneficial. Raw honey has a high level of anti-oxidants and is an alkaline-forming food. Molasses is high in many necessary trace minerals including Iron, Magnesium, Calcium Potassium Manganese, Copper and Zinc. Take one tablespoon three times a day of either sorghum or blackstrap molasses. . Kelp: Because of its high concentration of iodine, brown kelp (Laminaria) has been used to treat goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by a lack of iodine, since medieval times. If there is any indication of a thyroid problem, you should use between ten and fifteen kelp tablets daily. Otherwise, two or more will keep the body in good condition as preventative nutrition. This can take the place of salt and helps repair the thyroid gland. Kelp powder can be used on salads and in other foods. It is the only ingredient in Modifilan which could be taken as a supplement. ![]() Wheat Germ Oil: Take one tablespoonful of a good, fresh wheat germ oil three times a day. Our Tonic Supreme assists in breaking up and expelling mucus and rapidly alkalizing the body tissues. Containing several of the recommended items above plus additional fresh organic alkalizing vegetables, it is truly superior in supporting the Respiratory, Digestive and Immune systems. DIETARY SUGGESTIONS: REGENERATIVE FOODSIf this diet is followed as outlined, after a short period of time you will have much more satisfaction from the foods recommended for better health than you ever had from the food of your former diet. You will also come to your normal weight. If you are overweight, you will lose with this diet; and if you are underweight, you will gain after having passed your "new low," as mucus must be expelled from the body before the good flesh can be restored. Do not be concerned because this diet omits the meat and the commercial types of protein, and don't worry about adding protein, as you will get all that you need in these foods. The gorilla is built on the same order as the human being, and he gets all the protein he needs from just fruit and nuts (and for the human, the greens will round out the body requirements). You can prove this program to yourself! ******Helpful Tip: While making any diet changes it is very beneficial to start with an intestinal cleanse, like our Intestinal Cleanse Duo, which helps your body to clear out acid wastes fast, and remove excess toxins that can be released when changing to a cleaner diet. Cleansing will also help reduce food cravings, improve clarity of thought and aid sleep. Read more about this and how to avoid an overly-acidic diet or recover from having eaten it. Read Alkalize for better Health Sample Dr Christopher's Mucusless Diet Daily Menu Breakfast - Fresh Fruit, Whole Grain Cereal (only if needed) Lunch - Large Tossed Salad with Fresh Dressing Dinner - Baked Potato, Vegetable Broth, Steamed Vegetables Snack - Fresh Vegetables ** Do not drink liquids during mealtime. Mix food thoroughly with saliva. Wait 1/2 hour after eating before drinking. MORNING It is best not to "break-the-fast" (breakfast) until at least noon, except in cases of young or very active people.
The cereal is prepared by first soaking the whole grain in water sixteen to twenty hours, then heating in a stainless steel double boiler at a very low heat, 135 degrees or under, which can be done by pouring hot water over the grain and then applying low heat. It can also be prepared in a thermos bottle, as follows: Take a wide-mouth thermos bottle (pint, quart or whatever size you need for your size of family or individual); fill it in the early afternoon or evening one-third full of high-protein turkey red wheat; then finish filling the thermos bottle with boiling water (turning the container on its top and back once or twice, so that during the evening the water circulates completely into the bottom, or else some wheat in the bottom will not be treated). When you uncover your vessel in the morning, after low heating the grain all night long, it should be ready for consumption. The wheat is popped open, is soft and very tasty (as none of the flavors has been lost in cooking); this procedure is still improved by pre-soaking. With a little oil added, it is a very delectable food. Some folks like to add cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, etc. Wheat contains all of the potential nutrient values needed in the human body. The wheat herb or wheat grass especially is a complete food, as it provides you with protein, calcium, and all the needed enzymes, vitamins, minerals, etc., to rebuild and regenerate the cell structure of your body. The grain is alive until it is killed in some chemical storage procedure, or high heat. The test for germane wheat (which is still in a "wholesome" state, having the life therein) is to plant it and see if it will grow. This test is also valid for testing cooked wheat, and when low-heated in stainless steel, it will retain the life power and will grow! The foods, prepared in this manner, are organic; consequently, this is the manner that grains must be prepared for use. We are told in holy writ that "all wholesome grains and herbs are for man, and grain is the staff of life," but it does not say that it is permissible to grind it to a face powder fineness or to heat it above 212 degrees F., and change the molecular structure from organic to inorganic, and thereby make it very mucus-forming. The results of man's inventions indicate otherwise. Sprout the grains if you wish, in preference to popping them open with moist heat. Sprouted grains are excellent and nutritious but if you give a growing child a bowl of sprouts for breakfast, he is hungry in a short time, so a good serving of soaked, low-heated grain tastily prepared will "stick to his ribs" for hours. Alternate the wheat with barley, millet, buckwheat, rye, oat groats (whole, not rolled oats). NOON ![]() If you prefer only a light lunch, then have a tossed salad--a salad as large as you want of mixed vegetables and leafy greens, using homemade olive oil dressing: 1 cup olive oil Make this dressing to your own taste, for there are so many varieties you can make--avocado, onion, garlic, etc.--but do not use the processed dressings of the commercial market. There are thousands of salad combinations, and with some investigation and experimentation, you will never run short of interesting ones. Proteins are a fad and are highly over-advertised. All fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds have protein in them. If you are eating a good live low mucus diet and wonder what to eat for protein, ask any gorilla. Their body organs are built just like a human's, and they live a number of years longer than humans. They are one of the strongest animals, for their weight, on the face of the earth. They are fruitarians, eating that which grows above the ground, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds. We enjoy underground roots and tubers, but they do not dig as we do; so with carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. added to the above-the-ground vegetation, we should do better than the gorilla. We kill the cow to eat the steaks for the protein she gets from eating grass. Let's get our protein fresh and natural, not secondhand as from animal's flesh or from something in its dead state concocted by man. Commercially made protein will work on the effect and give quick relief from certain ailments, but overuse of commercial types will overwork the pancreas and other glands, causing low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and/or diabetes (high blood sugar). The natural live protein in foods on the mucusless diet program will be used as needed and the surplus discarded from the body naturally when not needed. The sedimentation of the commercial type of protein of lower vibration remains in the gland of the body and causes future trouble. EVENING This is generally the heavy meal of the day, but you can reverse this at will if you like, eating the heavy meal may be at noon, then the light meal with a salad at night. If you prefer a warm meal, start off with a cup of vegetable broth (regular potassium broth). The broth should be followed by a salad, then the main course is steamed vegetables that have been prepared at low-heat. Be sure to always cook in stainless steel, Pyrex, or some approved vessel, but never in aluminum! Regular meals can start off with a nice cup or bowl of potassium broth. Dehydrated vegetables in the form of potassium powder or broth can be purchased from most health stores or you can prepare your own. Some health books provide instructions for making potassium broth. You can add the left-over, savory vegetables and here you have one of the most exotic-tasting, low-heated vegetable soups that are imaginable. The broth starts the meal off and is followed by a salad. After that, serve the low-heated vegetables (many types can be prepared with various savory herbs, and these can be removed from the low heat just before serving), and these will always be tasty and beneficial as long as they are low-heated and are still in a wholesome state. At least five to six vegetables should be eaten each day, of which two should be green, leafy ones. A small amount of bland oil (such as olive oil) added to the baked potato, baked squash, etc., is very good. If you are using cayenne regularly, you may use fresh butter on your vegetables occasionally. You can explore and concoct some very interesting, intriguing meals with a little daring and imagination, and you will never need to worry if you eat copiously until you are satisfied, and you will have all the nutrition that is needed for ample physical strength; use casseroles with whole grains, etc. You can prepare delicious casseroles with barley, rye, millet, wheat soaked as above and while low heating adds fruits or vegetables, tasty herbs, etc. All lentils, beans, soy, etc., prepared this way are alive and good eating. Soys and most beans can be soaked for two or three days and then low-heated twelve to twenty hours adding onion, garlic, peppers, etc., during low-heating. Snacks and Extras Juice or nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits are all excellent. Whenever you use a fresh fruit, use it alone, only one type of fruit at a time. When you want to eat some other type of fruit, wait for one-half hour or more at least before eating it, and this will prove much easier on your digestive system. The mono diet is also recommended for people on a healing routine. If the individual feels he is well and healthy, a fruit salad or mixed fruits at times is permissible. Juices may be taken during the afternoon: carrot, grape, apple, etc. Fresh unpasteurized juices are the best and can be made easily at home with an inexpensive juice bag and blender. Dried fruits and nuts are very nourishing and beneficial, and the latter is better (as a whole protein) when used in combination with the garden greens. If a person has cancer or is inclined toward cancer, do not overdo eating protein, such as nuts. There are great plant sources of protein as well and of course, small, occasional animal sources of protein are beneficial to the body. The preceding excerpts of his writings are reproduced with written permission of the Publisher, Christopher Publications, PO Box 412, Springville, UT 84663 1-800-372-8255. Our understanding of mucusless and mucus-forming foods has deepened and we now use the terms acid-forming foods and alkaline-forming foods to describe this. Paradoxically, while commercial industrially-raised animal foods available now are even worse than in Dr.Christopher's day, we also have more clean, high-quality animal foods raised naturally on organic farms available in abundance in many places which are less inflammatory than factory-farmed animals and could supply certain healthy fats. Read more about how to balance natural inflammatory acid whole foods with anti-inflammatory food choices here: Dietary Source of Inflammation & Top Ways to Reduce It |
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