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Increase the Fresh Raw Vegetables & Fruit in Your Diet with these Recipes

Preparing raw foods and enjoying it!

Eating vegetables doesn't mean eating just salads. There are hearty and filling recipes, too. In fact, you can make delicious appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts - even gourmet all raw foods as complex as lasagna, made with fermented nut cheese, mock pasta and herbed fresh tomato sauce! Delicious way to stray from the standard processed-foods modern diet.

In this section we have put together a collection of delicious raw recipes which can be made without too much fuss. We want to show people how delicious and filling fresh vegetable, fruit and nut foods can be.

Most of these recipes can be made with just kitchen utensils and a high speed blender. Some recipes also use a food processor - invaluable for chopping nuts,making pate, as well as for shredding vegetables. Before you buy the ingredients, check to be sure you have thekitchen equipment you will need. You can take a look in our Food Prep Equipment & Supplies section for items you may need.

Note: When preparing raw recipes keep in mind that the taste of fresh produce varies greatly. No two tomatoes taste exactly the same: a tomato grown in winter in California may taste very different from a tomato grown during summer in Florida. Since raw recipes include these fresh ingredients, you should taste them as you go and adjust the recipe as needed according to the flavors of the produce you're using.

Select a Recipe:
Fresh fruits and vegertables - a Raw Diet


Copyright 2009-2025 Southern Botanicals H&N, Inc

Southern Botanicals Herbals & Nutrition
611 S Myrtle Ave # D, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 443-7711

* Disclaimer: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read More...