How to Recover From a Sugar Hangover

I’ve loved sugar my whole life and thought it was normal to constantly eat sugar even though it threw my body off balance. A normal day for me growing up involved eating chocolate-covered croissants for breakfast, a soda and cookies for lunch and sugar-covered cereal for a snack before a dinner of frozen chicken nuggets and crinkle-cut french fries. Notice a trend? Every few hours, when I would feel weak, shaky, fuzzy headed and irritable, I thought I was hungry and needed to eat something. I was right, I did need to eat something that nourished my body, but that’s not what I ate or thought of as normal food.

Read moreHow to Recover From a Sugar Hangover

What is Cayenne Pepper

The use of cayenne pepper to spice up a dish or boost circulation has a long history in many cultures around the world. There is sometimes confusion from the fact that a cayenne pepper is always a chili pepper, but a hot chili is not always a cayenne. So what is it?

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New York Times Brings Up Childhood Constipation Controversy

An interesting article was in the New York Times recently on the controversy of a popular drug for adults being used to treat chronic constipation in children. According to the article, doctors have pointed parents to Miralax for years to help children who suffer from chronic constipation. The problem is the label itself says the product is not recommended for kids under 17.

Read moreNew York Times Brings Up Childhood Constipation Controversy

Are You Dumping Your Food Down the Toilet? Why You Need Good Bacteria for Healthy Digestion

So many people walk around tired and exhausted. Everything from super-caffeine drinks to taking more vitamin B-12 are tried just so they can function. Even if you eat well, there are other factors that can keep you from getting the most nutrition from your food.

Read moreAre You Dumping Your Food Down the Toilet? Why You Need Good Bacteria for Healthy Digestion

Keep Chocolate Raw for Heart Healthy Benefits!

According to recent studies, raw chocolate can help prevent heart disease and cancer. In their article Cocoa nutrient for ‘lethal ills’, Michelle Roberts points out that epicatechin, a flavonoid in chocolate, seems to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. This nutrient is believed to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, making it heart healthy. It also has antioxidant properties which may help prevent cancers.

Read moreKeep Chocolate Raw for Heart Healthy Benefits!

Lobelia-The Intelligent Herb

Lobelia inflata (also known as Indian Tobacco) is a well-known traditional remedy to help

open and clear the lungs while relaxing the nervous system. Historically Lobelia is called the “intelligent herb” because it goes to the area of the body that most needs the affects it gives. Originally used by Eastern United States tribes like the Penobscot Indians, Lobelia developed a reputation as a powerful herbal remedy from the famous herbalist Samuel Thompson in the 19th century.

Read moreLobelia-The Intelligent Herb

Tips on How to Make Fresh Juice Without a Juicer

Vegetables ready to juiceWe wanted to share some tips on how you can make fresh juice with a high powered blender instead of a juicer. Freshly made organic juice is a great way to get extra energy, a powerful nutrition boost and help your body clear out toxins and other waste while cleansing. Using a juicer is one option, but we use a technique that takes about as much time as it would to make a homemade meal and you just need a few items you already have at home, a high powered blender like a Vitamix and juice bag.

Read moreTips on How to Make Fresh Juice Without a Juicer